160+ Best Sourdough Starter Name Ideas
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Have you named your sourdough starter?
I've put together the biggest list of names for your sourdough starter on the internet!
There are over 160 names on the list and it's growing! Seriously, there is so much choice.
I'd love to know what you've called your sourdough starter?
Make sure you leave a comment to let us know what you've decided on!

Sourdough Starter Names
If you're reading this, chances are you've recently created your first sourdough starter. Or perhaps you've been gifted one from a friend?
However you've become a "sourdough parent", chances are you'll want to name your new bubbly best friend! It's a great way to add an element of fun to your sourdough journey.
Plus, you'll be feeding your starter twice a day for a considerable amount of time - you may as well make it fun, right?
If you're looking for easy instructions on how to create a sourdough starter, head here.
I've put together a huge list of sourdough starter names - the biggest list you'll find anywhere! There's sure to be the perfect name for your sourdough starter here.
Maybe you've called your starter something that's not on the list? I'd love to hear it so make sure you comment below.
160+ Sourdough Starter Names - The Biggest List Ever!
Celebrity Sourdough Names
- Bread Sheeran
- Shannon Dougherty
- Bridget Bar-dough
- Clint Yeastwood
- Carrie Breadshaw
- Adam Levain
- Avril Levain
- Breadney Spears
- Sheena Yeaston
- Taylor Sift
- Ryean Seecrust
- Emilio Yeastevez
- Doughis Day
- Yeast Witherspoon
- Emilio Yeastevez
- Ringo Starter
- Doughy Parton
- Dolly Start'n
- Ayeasta Franklin
- Rise-a Minelli
- Breadie White
- Ryean Reynolds
- Danny Doughvito
- Bread Sullivan
- Bread Pitt
- Bill Murrye
- Breadie Mercury
- Engelbert Pumpernickel
- Olivia Gluten John
- Leonardough Di Caprio
- Yeastie Boys
- Sir Rise A Lot
- Angelina Doughli
- Winona Ryeder
- Dough Pesci
- Puff Daddy
- Wheatney Houston
- Maddoughna
- Dough Jay Kaloaf
- Post Doughlone
- Ryehanna
- Bun Jovi
- Jennifer Doughpez (J Dough)
- Yeast 17
- Yeaston Blumenthal
- Breadstreet Boys
- Elon Crust
- Sharon Scone
- Jason Doughrulo
- Eddy Breader
- Bread Zepplin
- Marlon Brandough
- Bread Paisley
- Elon Crust
- Doughpra
- Crustin Hoffman
- Bob Baguette
- Joseph Gordon Leaven
- Crustin Timberlake
- Breadany Murphy
- Otis Breading

Historical Sourdough Names
- Thomas Breadison
- Thomas Loaferson
- Edgar Allan Dough
- Leonardough Da Vinci
- Vincent Van Dough
- Isaac Gluten
- Albert Ryenstein
- Alexander Hamilton (Rise Up)
- Dough Biden
- Sourdough Doughmingo
- Herculyeast
Classical Sourdough Names
- Florence (it means to flourish or blossom)
- Elvis
- Patience (because you'll need a lot of it)
- Mabel
- Hope
- Albert
- Myrtle
- Milton
- Ruby
- Betty
- Blanche
- Victoria
- Bob
- Oscar
- Nancy
- Boris
- Rose (because it rises)
- Frannie (like San Francisco)
- Pearl
Corona Sourdough Names
- Quarantina
- Corona
- Rona
- Doughvid-19
- Covina
- Domicron
TV/Movie Character Sourdough Names
- Doughy Tribiani
- Will Wheaton
- Leonard Hoffbreader
- Albus Dumbledough
- Hermione Grain-ger
- Doughmione Granger
- Harry Starter
- Doughy Potter
- Vol-dough-mort
- Ron Yeastly
- Hufflepuff
- Professor McGonidough
- Order of the Doughnix
- Expecto Padoughnum
- Madoughlorean
- Sevengrain Snape
- Austin Flours
- Luke Ryewalker
- Doughba Fett
- Judge Bread
- The Minions
- The Child
- Ferment the Frog
- Frodough Breadins
- Captain Jack Sparrough
- Optimus Rise
- Little Bread Rising Hood
- Gremlins
- Cindoughrella
- Bread Watch
- The GodFlour
- Days of Our Loaves
- 3CP-Dough
- Wicked Witch of the Yeast
- Austin Sour
- Rye Hard
- Frankenstarter
- Doughafee (Dorothy)
- Bread Flintstone
- Cruella Doughville
- Breadward Cullen
- Captain Hooch
Play on Words
- Doughlene
- Weirdough
- Fernandough
- Theodough
- Doughlores
- Angedough
- Pillsbury Dough Boy
- The Yeast of My Worries
- Doughbert
- Dough Rye Me
- Fi-Dough
- John Dough
- Jane Dough
- Eduardough
- Romedough
- Doughadeer
- Zebreadiah
Other Starter Name Ideas
- Kneady
- Dimples
- Bubbles
- Puffy
- Malferment
- Rise One
- Sour Pants
- Phoenix
- Polar (cos it lives in the fridge)
- Our Flour Child
- Hoochie Mama (because it will produce hooch).
Other Ideas for Naming Your Sourdough Starter
If none of the above take your fancy, there are lots of other ways you could name your sourdough starter. Here are a few ideas:
- Are you using a certain jar to grow your starter (ie pasta, coffee, salsa etc). Name your starter after what was in the jar originally. For example Tostitos Joe or Napolitana.
- Name your sourdough starter after your favorite place in the world.
- Name your sourdough starter after the place you live (can be town, street, locality etc) - since the local yeast is what makes it unique.
- Name your starter to remember someone special or someone who perhaps gave you your sourdough starter.
Why Name Your Sourdough Starter?
Many people view their sourdough starter as simply a tool for making sourdough bread. But for many sourdough bakers it's so much more - so why shouldn't it have a name?
Your sourdough starter is actually a living collection of yeast and bacteria. It needs regular feeding and maintenance. It's just like having a pet really.
And in fact, many sourdough bakers say their sourdough starter has its own unique personality.

This living element is what propels many people to name their scoby (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). It endears their sourdough starter and creates a familiar culture around the daily ritual of feeding.
Do you have a reason for naming your starter? I'd love to know, make sure you comment below.
I hope this guide to the best sourdough starter names has helped you to name your own sourdough starter. Come and join in the fun in our Facebook Group.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your starter is a unique colony of yeast and bacteria. It's alive and needs regular feeding - just like you! Many sourdough bakers give their sourdough starter a name to differentiate it from other starters. It also brings an element of fun to what can be a tedious and long process.
You can't store your sourdough starter in the fridge until it's mature. You really need to leave it on the counter and feed it twice a day during the establishment phase. Once it's mature, you can store it in the fridge and feed it more infrequently. You'll find a full guide to storing your starter in the fridge here.
A more mature sourdough starter can definitely bring a more diverse flavor profile to a loaf of sourdough. However, a 12 month old starter can bring just as a robust flavor as a 20 year old starter. A starter that is less than 12 months old will not have developed a full bodied flavor. You'll definitely taste the difference between a younger starter and an older one - especially if the younger one isn't mature.
Further Reading
- Want to diversify into a chocolate sourdough starter?
- Want to boost your sourdough starter - check out these five easy tips!
- Looking for sourdough starter troubleshooting? You'll find the 21 most common sourdough starter problems here.