Small Batch Sourdough Bread

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This small batch sourdough bread is perfect if you're looking for a smaller loaf of sourdough that uses less flour, is easier to handle and is suitable for just 1 or 2 people.

This small batch sourdough recipe is less wasteful than baking a larger loaf and provides an opportunity for practicing techniques on a smaller loaf that uses less flour. Despite it's smaller size, it has a great sour flavor, light, open crumb and a crispy crust - just like you're favorite loaf!

Just like making a larger sourdough loaf, you'll need a mature sourdough starter that's been fed recently for this small batch sourdough bread recipe. I recommend using high protein bread flour for this small loaf sourdough rather than all purpose flour. You can add some whole wheat flour if you wish and I've put instructions for this further down the post.

Small batch sourdough bread sliced open to reveal crumb.

If you love making things that are a bit smaller, you might also enjoy making these other sourdough bread recipes - sourdough bread bowls, sourdough mini boules, a small batch of no wait sourdough waffles or even reducing the size of your starter to this smaller sourdough starter.

If you're looking to improve your sourdough journey, you might find these resources useful:

Small loaf of sourdough bread that has been sliced sitting in a cream enamel Dutch Oven surrounded by parchment paper.
in a D

Why Make A Smaller Loaf of Sourdough Bread?

There are lots of reasons you might prefer making smaller loaves of sourdough bread. If you've made larger loaves before, you'll know each loaf takes around 500g of flour. This can be a lot of flour to waste if it doesn't turn out or even if it doesn't all get eaten.

Some of the reasons you might want to make a smaller loaf of sourdough bread with just 250 g flour are:

  • Not using (wasting) so much flour on one loaf,
  • Making just enough for 1 or 2 people to eat in a day or two with no waste,
  • Wanting to use more expensive flour,
  • Wanting to make more loaves to practice shaping and scoring techniques,
  • Making a more "kid friendly" sized loaf for getting the kids involved in sourdough baking
  • Making a loaf that fits in a smaller Dutch Oven or banneton that you already own.

These small sourdough loaves also make the perfect sourdough bread bowls! Fill them with your favorite soup or stew for a hearty meal.

Can I Keep A Smaller Sourdough Starter?

I recommend keeping a sourdough starter that's around 50g (which you feed with 50g of flour and 50g of water), however if this is too much for your baking needs or you just want to use less flour, then you can keep a smaller sourdough starter. As long as you stick to the 1:1:1 ratio, you can maintain a small sourdough starter of around 25g or even less if you'd prefer. Keeping smaller quantities of starter creates less sourdough discard too.

A smaller amount of starter can be a good option if you're trying to pare back your sourdough routine, use less flour or you simply don't bake that often. The great thing about cultivating wild yeast is that you can increase the size of your starter whenever you need to.

The smallest amount of sourdough starter you can keep is around 5 to 10g, although it's up to you whether you keep this in liquid form in the fridge or dried in the pantry.

How To Make Small Batch Sourdough Bread

Making this small loaf of sourdough bread follows the same process as my simple sourdough loaf, just on a smaller scale.

Autolyse - Premixing The Dough

  1. Weigh out your wet ingredients (active sourdough starter and water) into a large mixing bowl - whatever you have in the cupboard is fine!
  2. Mix the water and starter together briefly. Then add your dry ingredients f(lour and salt) and mix whole lot together until a shaggy dough forms.
  3. Cover your bowl with a damp tea towel and let it sit for around 1 hour. It's ok if it's a little bit longer, it's not going to matter too much. This process is called the "autolyse" and allows your flour to soak in all the water and become hydrated.

Forming Up The Dough

  1. After the dough has been through autolyse you need to bring it together into a ball. Work your way around the bowl, grabbing the dough from the outside, stretching it up and over itself, into the centre, until a smooth ball is formed. You shouldn't need more than about 20-25 stretches to form the ball.
  2. You'll notice that the dough is fully hydrated after soaking all the water up. It will be fairly sticky but as you bring it into a ball, it will become smoother and shinier.
  3. Once the dough has formed into a smooth ball, pop the damp tea towel back on and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Stretch & Fold - Creating Structure

  1. Over the next few hours you need to create some structure for your dough by "stretching and folding".
  2. Aim to do around 4-6 sets of stretches and folds.
  3. For each set, stretch the dough up and over itself 4 times. Leave around 15 minutes in between each set. Again you do not have to be exact with time, but you need to do at least 4 sets over 2 hours.

Bulk Ferment

  1. Once you've finished your stretch and folds, cover the dough with a plastic cover (a recycled plastic bag is perfect) and allow the dough to double (bulk fermentation).

Shaping The Dough

  1. Once your dough has finished its first ferment, it's time to shape it into either a boule or a batard.
  2. You'll need to flour your counter top with rice flour for this (we use rice flour because it has no gluten).
  3. Use a dough scraper to gently ease the dough out of the bowl (your hands work just fine if you don't have one). You want it to land upside down on your counter so that the smooth top of the dough is on the countertop and the sticky underside is facing up. This will make it easier to shape.
  4. You want to pull the edges of the dough into the centre and then flip it over so that the sticky side is now underneath. Using the stickiness, gently pull the dough into a tight ball.
  5. You will need a proofing basket or container to put your dough into. If you do not have a banneton, then a bowl or basket lined with a floured tea towel is perfectly fine. Make sure your bowl isn't too big though, you want your dough to retain some shape. You can find more notes on what to use as a banneton here.
  6. Whatever you're using needs to be liberally floured with your rice flour. If you're using a cloth or tea towel, rub the flour into it to ensure it becomes non stick (see notes here for details on this).
Small batch sourdough that has been shaped into a boule. There is a ricotta basket above it.

Placing Into A Banneton or Proofing Container

  1. Once the dough is shaped into a tight ball, place it into your proofing basket or container smooth side down, so your seam is on the top.
  2. If you're using a cloth or tea towel in a bowl it's ok to put your dough with the smooth side up. Just make sure the dough is tight.
  3. Lift your dough around the edges to pop a little more rice flour if you feel it needs it. Just try to handle the dough as little as possible and be really gentle as you really want to preserve all the gases and air bubbles that have formed during your bulk ferment.
Small batch sourdough that has been coated in rice flour and lifted into banneton (which is a ricotta basket).

Cold Ferment

  1. Now the dough is in its "shaping container" cover it loosely with a plastic bag and place into the fridge. I use a large plastic bag to cover it - I just reuse it each time.
  2. Try to leave it in the fridge for a minimum 5 hours up to a maximum of around 36 hours. The longer you leave it the better your bread will be! A longer cold ferment creates beautiful blisters on your crust and a deeper sourdough flavour. It will also ensure your dough forms a skin which makes it easier to score.

Bake Your Small Batch Sourdough Loaf

  1. Once you're ready to bake your sourdough, you'll need to preheat your oven to 230C/450F.
  2. Place your Dutch Oven into the oven when you turn it on so it gets hot. Try to preheat for around 1 hour to ensure your oven is super hot - but you know your oven so just adjust this time if you need to.
  3. Leave your dough in the fridge until the very last minute - placing a cold dough into a hot oven will give you a great "spring".
  4. When your oven is at temperature, take your sourdough out of the fridge. Gently place it onto a piece of parchment paper or silicone sling if using.
  5. Gently score your bread with a clean razor blade or knife. At minimum a large cross is sufficient, but you can get as artistic as you like. You can find my full guide on how to score sourdough bread here.
  6. Carefully take your dutch oven out of the oven. Place the sourdough into the pot using the silicone sling or parchment paper as a handle. Put the lid on and place into the hot oven.
  7. If you want to you can spritz your dough with extra water before you put the lid on.
Sourdough that has been scored with a cross using a wooden handled lame.


30 Minutes with the lid on at 230C/450F plus

10-15 Minutes with the lid off at 210C/410F

Finishing The Bake

  1. When you remove your dough from the oven, carefully remove it from the oven as soon as possible and place on a wire rack to cool.
Small sourdough loaf sitting in a cream enamel Dutch Oven surrounded by parchment paper.
I have baked these loaves in a Dutch Oven that is 3.1L or 3.2Q.

Best Tips for Small Batch Sourdough Bread

Small loaf of sourdough that has been sliced in half and is being held together to show the crumb. There is a red Mercer knife in the bottom right hand corner and another small loaf in the background.

Do Smaller Sourdough Loaves Take Less Time To Bake?

Not necessarily. The small batch sourdough bread in this recipe is baked for the same amount of time as a loaf with 500g of flour. Reducing the weight of the loaf doesn't not necessarily mean you bake it for less time.

Sometimes you will need to experiment with baking time, but for the most part, you can leave it the same. Sometimes, the lid off baking time will be less because with less surface area, the smaller loaves take less time to brown. But for the most part, lid on bake time will be the same.

Can You Add Whole Wheat Flour To This Recipe?

If you prefer using whole grain flours, you can substitute up to half of the bread flour with whole wheat flour or rye flour.

Just remember that whole wheat flour, as well as rye flour can decrease the oven spring you get, as well as give you a more dense crumb. Using Vital Wheat Gluten can help with this issue.

Best Bannetons for Small Batch Sourdough Loaf

When using only 250g of flour, the resulting loaf will be too small to use a "regular" sized banneton. Instead of buying new bannetons for making smaller sized sourdough loaves, I find it easier to use what I have on hand.

Often you can use a soup or cereal bowl quite well, but I have found the best thing to use are ricotta cheese baskets from 500g packages of ricotta cheese.

They are the perfect size for holding these small batch sourdough loaves. I dust the dough with rice flour before flipping it into the banneton and have no issues with the dough sticking. However if you're worried you can use a rice floured cloth inside the basket.

You can find more alternatives for proofing baskets here.

Jar of rice flour sitting next to a ricotta basket (banneton for sourdough) and a sourdough boule coated in rice flour.
Ricotta baskets make the perfect sized bannetons for sourdough loaves made with 250g of flour.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you half a sourdough bread recipe?

Yes you can easily halve a sourdough bread recipe using baker's percentages or baker's math, so long as the recipe is written in grams.

What is the best size loaf for sourdough bread bowls?

A sourdough loaf made with 250g of flour is the perfect size for a sourdough bread bowl. You can use the small batch sourdough bread recipe above to make them. Just multiply the recipe by however many bread bowls your need.

How do you adjust the cooking time when you halve a sourdough recipe?

You don't necessarily need to adjust the cooking time when you halve a sourdough recipe. Generally the same cooking time will apply, whether you're using 500g of flour or 250g of flour. You'll just need to keep an eye on the lid off time to ensure the loaf doesn't brown too quickly.


Small Batch Sourdough Bread

This recipe is perfect if you're looking for a smaller sourdough loaf that uses only 250g of flour. Perfect for 2 people or as a gift loaf.
4.63 from 48 votes
Prep Time 4 hours
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 day 2 hours 45 minutes
Servings 1 Loaf
Calories 948 kcal


  • Basic Kitchen Scale (grab them for as little as $10 here)


  • 250 g Bread Flour
  • 175 g Water
  • 50 g Sourdough Starter (Fed and Bubbly)
  • 5 g Salt (increase or decrease according to your taste)


  • Autolyse - Premixing The Dough
    Weigh out your sourdough starter and water into a large mixing bowl - whatever you have in the cupboard is fine!
    Glass is always good as you can see what's happening underneath your dough. But any plastic, ceramic, stainless steel or glass bowl is fine!
    Mix the water and starter together briefly. Then add your flour and salt and mix whole lot together to form a shaggy dough.
    The dough will be fairly shaggy and only just brought together (see photo). You might wonder how this will turn into bread, but just wait, time is your friend and the dough will change in around an hour.
  • Cover your bowl with a damp tea towel and let it sit for around 1 hour. It's ok if it's a little bit longer, it's not going to matter too much.
    This process is called the "autolyse" and allows your flour to soak in all the water and become hydrated.
  • Forming Up The Dough
    After the dough has been through autolyse you need to bring it together into a ball. Work your way around the bowl, grabbing the dough from the outside, stretching it up and over itself, into the centre, until a smooth ball is formed. You shouldn't need more than about 20-25 stretches to form the ball.
    You'll notice that the dough is fully hydrated after soaking all the water up. It will be fairly sticky but as you bring it into a ball, it will become smoother and shinier.
  • Once the dough has formed into a smooth ball, pop the damp tea towel back on and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • Stretch & Fold - Creating Structure
    Over the next few hours you need to create some structure for your dough by "stretching and folding".
    Aim to do around 4-6 sets of stretches and folds.
    For each set, stretch the dough up and over itself 4 times. Leave around 15 minutes in between each set. Again you do not have to be exact with time, but you need to do at least 4 sets over 2 hours.
    I like to be fairly liberal with my timings as I am generally cooking amongst the chaos of family life and therefore sometimes timing does go astray!
  • Bulk Ferment
    Once you've finished your stretch and folds, cover the dough with a plastic cover (a recycled plastic bag is perfect) and allow the dough to double (bulk fermentation).
    See notes below for more info on this step.
  • Shaping The Dough
    Once your dough has finished its first ferment, it's time to shape it into either a boule or a batard.
    You'll need to flour your counter top with rice flour for this (we use rice flour because it has no gluten). Try to be quite sparing with the rice flour, you only need a very light dusting.
    Use a dough scraper to gently ease the dough out of the bowl (your hands work just fine if you don't have one). You want it to land upside down on your counter so that the smooth top of the dough is on the countertop and the sticky underside is facing up. This will make it easier to shape.
    You want to pull the edges of the dough into the centre and then flip it over so that the sticky side is now underneath. Using the stickiness, gently pull the dough into a tight ball.
    You will need a proofing basket or container to put your dough into. If you do not have a banneton, then a bowl or basket lined with a floured tea towel is perfectly fine. Make sure your bowl isn't too big though, you want your dough to retain some shape. You can find more notes on what to use as a banneton here.
    Whatever you're using needs to be liberally floured with your rice flour. If you're using a cloth or tea towel, rub the flour into it to ensure it becomes non stick (see notes here for details on this).
  • Placing Into A Proofing Container
    Once the dough is shaped into a tight ball, place it into your proofing basket or container smooth side down, so your seam is on the top.
    If you're using a cloth or tea towel in a bowl it's ok to put your dough with the smooth side up. Just make sure the dough is tight.
    Lift your dough around the edges to pop a little more rice flour if you feel it needs it. Just try to handle the dough as little as possible and be really gentle as you really want to preserve all the gases and air bubbles that have formed during your bulk ferment.
  • Cold Ferment
    Now the dough is in its "shaping container" cover it loosely with a plastic bag and place into the fridge.
    I use a large plastic bag to cover it - I just reuse it each time.
    Try to leave it in the fridge for a minimum 5 hours up to a maximum of around 36 hours. The longer you leave it the better your bread will be! A longer cold ferment creates beautiful blisters on your crust and a deeper sourdough flavour. It will also ensure your dough forms a skin which makes it easier to score.


  • Once you're ready to bake your sourdough, you'll need to preheat your oven to 230C/450F.
    Place your Dutch Oven into the oven when you turn it on so it gets hot. Try to preheat for around 1 hour to ensure your oven is super hot - but you know your oven so just adjust this time if you need to.
    Leave your dough in the fridge until the very last minute - placing a cold dough into a hot oven will give you a great "spring".
    When your oven is at temperature, take your sourdough out of the fridge. Gently place it onto a piece of parchment paper or silicone sling if using.
    Gently score your bread with a clean razor blade or knife. At minimum a large cross is sufficient, but you can get as artistic as you like. You can find my full guide on how to score sourdough bread here.
    Carefully take your dutch oven out of the oven. Place the sourdough into the pot using the silicone sling or parchment paper as a handle. Put the lid on and place into the hot oven.
    If you want to you can spritz your dough with extra water before you put the lid on.
    30 Minutes with the lid on at 230C/450F plus
    10-15 Minutes with the lid off at 210C/410F
  • Finishing The Bake
    When you remove your dough from the oven, carefully remove it from the oven as soon as possible and place on a wire rack to cool.


  • Notes on Flour:  This recipe is written using strong Bread Flour. Bread flour has a higher protein content than All Purpose flour. If you choose to use All Purpose flour you may have a different result because of this. You can read more about the differences between All Purpose Flour and Bread Flour here.
  • Notes on Stretch & Folds:  If you are going to do the stretch & folds on your bench top, spray your surface with water mist rather than using flour. You can leave the dough in the bowl if you want to. Wet your hands to stop the dough sticking - although it shouldn't be too sticky. It will get less sticky as you do your stretches and folds. For more information on how to do stretch and folds, go here.
  • Notes on Bulk Fermentation:  If your home is warm then your dough will ferment a lot faster and could be done in as little as a few hours. If it's colder, it will take longer, possibly overnight.
    I would recommend that you try to do your first few bulk ferments during daylight hours so that you can watch your dough closely.
    Once you're more familiar with the process - and the temperature of your home - you will be able to do overnight ferments. You will know your dough is ready to move to the next stage when it has *just* doubled in size. It will be fairly wobbly and full of bubbles. You should be able to see large air bubbles under the surface of the dough.
    You don't want to let it go any further than doubled as it will be over fermented.
    If you want to do an overnight ferment, but your home is warm, consider using a little less starter (ie 25g).
    Less starter means your dough will take longer to ferment and you will reduce the risk of over fermenting your dough.
    You'll find more information on these topics here:

    When is my bulk ferment finished?
    What is the difference between cold ferment and bulk ferment?
    Why does the amount of starter matter?

  • Notes on Baking:  If you're worried about the base of your bread burning, place a baking sheet on shelf underneath your Dutch Oven - it works! If you're worried about your bread not being cooked all the way through, turn the oven off and place your dough straight onto the oven rack.
    Leave the door ajar and let your bread rest there for a few hours. Make sure you don't close the door or your sourdough will sweat and you'll get a wrinkly, soggy crust.
    Remember not to cut into your loaf too soon - you'll need to let it cool for at least a few hours (4-6 is best).


Calories: 948kcal Carbohydrates: 191g Protein: 31g Fat: 4g Saturated Fat: 1g Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g Monounsaturated Fat: 0.3g Sodium: 1952mg Potassium: 250mg Fiber: 6g Sugar: 1g Vitamin A: 5IU Calcium: 44mg Iron: 2mg
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4.63 from 48 votes (30 ratings without comment)

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Recipe Rating


  1. I left no rating, as something went seriously wrong. The cold ferment left the bread totally gooey, as if I needed to start the S&F process again. I proceeded with more S&F to build the strength and form of the dough. The bread did not cook properly at all inside the loaf. It had blisters, and small holes. HELP ANYONE, I want to try this size again soon ..

  2. 5 stars
    Love the look of this recipe and I will be trying it out today, baking tomorrow. However before I start I would just like to ask if tne temperature is set for a fan oven or should I reduce accordingly?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. It use a fan forced oven when I bake, although it doesn't matter too much since it will be inside a Dutch Oven 🙂 xo

      1. How would you cook this in a loaf pan? Would you shape and put in loaf pan and then refrigerator? Would you put cold pan in hot oven?

  3. 5 stars
    Bread turned out almost perfect. I’m still learning so this was a perfect recipe so I didn’t feel as though I was wasting ingredients. The recipe is easy to follow and has nice tutorials along the way.

  4. 5 stars
    This was my first loaf created with my new starter that I made following your instructions. It's so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing all of your wisdom!

  5. 5 stars
    I love this recipe! Its the best one I've found so far 🙂

    I was wondering though why do you use rice flour instead of normal flour? Is it detrimental if you use another kind of floud?

    1. 4 stars
      Rice flour does not absorb water like the other flours. It is used on the bench and to keep the loaf from sticking to the proofing basket.

  6. What size banneton should I use? I want to buy a round one to use. Following your dough weight guide I calculate 480 grams total but that is outside your measurements. Thank you.

  7. What if you accidentally added too much water in the dough and it won’t form into a dough ball during the bowl turns 😅

  8. I love this small batch recipe. Can I ask what size Banetton should I use for both round and oval shape? Thank you.

  9. Thank you for the recipe step by step. This helps a lot. Why such a high temp though? Can I cook at a lower temp but longer time?

  10. OH MY GOSH!! So much flavor, chewy crust. Hubby claims it’s the best loaf I’ve made. Cold fermentation was 24+ hours, put 4 ice cubes in the Dutch oven for steam. Also used my Instant Pot trivet, parchment paper and a silpat sling. I probably could have baked it for 5 minutes more as it was more blond than brown (I baked it before going to work!!) but it did temp out over 200* F
    Dough did seem a bit wetter than normal so I was a tad worried!
    Great recipe will make again, probably start tomorrow !!

      1. If I don't use a dutch oven, but use the Emile Henry bread loaf pan with lid, what steps and baking method do you suggest ?

  11. 5 stars
    I like your recipe for small loaf sourdough.
    Have you tried the mini loaf pans? Either silicone or metal, but I prefer the silicone as they are so versatile.
    Also, with using the Dutch Oven, have you tried the cold method. In which when are ready to bake your sourdough bread, you put it in a cold Dutch Oven, and then into a cold oven. You then turn your oven to 450 F and bake. The timing would be 30 minutes with the lid on, then about 10 -15 more with it off. You are looking to get your bread to a internal temp of 205 F.
    Doing it this way saves the time and cost to preheat your oven.

  12. 5 stars
    I absolutely love this recipe! I make it quite frequently as we are empty nesters and a regular size loaf is just to large. Only thing I do differently from the directions is to add 10 grams of extra virgin olive oil in after the initial 1 hour autolyse. Makes the crust so light and crispy.

  13. 5 stars
    I LOVE this recipe. Perfect for my 3-quart Dutch oven. I was going to try to add jalapeños and cheddar to my loaf this weekend… any recommendations?

  14. 5 stars
    I tried this today and omg it was delish and perfect size! The one time I make it just for me, my husband and kid want some but when I've made the bigger loaf it goes bad like come on guys lol! My bottom crust is always hard, not sure if it's because I don't wait long enough to cut it but it's really hard to wait longer than an hour.

  15. 5 stars
    Love this smaller recipe. It makes a nice size loaf that a single person can eat in a reasonable amount of time. Followed all the directions and it turned out wonderful. My "stretch and fold" dough seemed stiffer than what is seen in the photo, but I still ended up with a good texture and nice crust.

  16. 5 stars
    Thank you! My first good sourdough bread was this recipe! It worked out wonderful with a beautiful crum and everything!

  17. Thank you so much. This is the first loaf of sourdough that turned out for me. I love the size as well! Great for one person.

  18. Can you tell me if this can be baked on a 5.5qt Dutch oven? I know it’s too big but I don’t have a smaller one.

  19. My niece introduced me to sourdough, and I am enjoying a variety of "no expensive equipment" experiments. Yours was great using a clay baker and a small batch recipe. Great outcome. Next time I will cut the salt by half. Good crust, good crumb, good (bit salty for me) taste. Thanks for the guidelines.

  20. 5 stars
    My FAVORITE recipe! Perfect size for one or two people. I'm going to try to add inclusions with tomorrow's baking.

  21. I love your recipes; and I am trying to do the smaller batch sourdough loaves but I am having a hard time with this one as my dough during the forming is very loose and I thought that it will tighten up but it during the forming section but it is still loose. What might I be doing wrong?

    1. Try using just a little less water, that can help. Also make sure you're using high protein bread flour for the dough 🙂

  22. Love your recipes. Thanks for sharing. I’m surprised you bake the smaller breads for the same amount of time. Wont they over bake?

    1. Not generally. Kate has tested these a ton of times and found that reducing the weight of the loaf doesn't generally mean you bake it for less time. 🙂

  23. First time making sourdough ever. I followed the measurements accurately however I during the folding process the dough was quite sticky despite doing it 6 times. The dough fermented and doubled in size however during the shaping process it was so sticky and very hard to shape even with the rice flour. What did I do wrong

    1. This could indicate that your sourdough starter isn't quite ready to make bread 🙂 The dough should strengthen as you conduct the stretches and folds.

  24. 5 stars
    Haven’t cut it yet, but it’s my own fault if it’s naff - panicked and added extra flour in the first mix. It “looked too wet”, like I know what it should look like 🙈

    But just come out the Aga and looks lush! Pure torture waiting for it to cool!

    So easy!

  25. 5 stars
    Dec 31, 2024
    Started mid-day. Over night in the frig.
    My little loaf came out beautiful. We are now mid-day January 1, 2025. The loaf looks very pretty. We have soup & salad for dinner and we will try the bread.

    Thanks for the recipe and all of the guidelines. I grew up baking bread with my dad. It’s been 30 years since I made sourdough bread. We started ‘Walt’ our sourdough starter last August.
    I have already started a second loaf today, January 1.

  26. 5 stars
    I have always felt intimidated by sourdough, but I decided to just go for it. This was my first attempt at a sourdough loaf, and it was delicious! I followed the recipe and instructions to a T. The instructions were so helpful and now I have much more confidence in working with sourdough! Thank you!

  27. 5 stars
    I used this recipe for my very first time baking a sourdough bread and it turned out PERFECT, delicious, and with a beautiful open crumb! It’s easy to follow, the size is perfect for 2 people, and for an experienced person. Thank you so much!